

Hi, I'm otty and I'm trying to earn btc (Bitcoin) through several sites and had run through many sites from faucethub to clicking ads and earning a few btc instantly but just to sits in some sites until a minimum amount is acceptable to withdraw which is a LOT and take a lot amount of time to accumulate. But first what is BTC? Is it food? Eh, no. It's basically an 'internet currency' from my own interpretation and 1BTC equals (as of right now) 2838.85 USD. Which is a hell lot more than my monthly grocery salaries. Is it legal though? That's debatable. Does the world use it?? Some places does. But what made it worth is it's high value of trading to any real money currency. So anyway, same with real money there are some sites pays money through clicking you can google "BTC clicking ads" I'm not a fan much on manual earning. So I don't know which sites pays and which one you should be aware of. BUT I like instant pays through my own b